Ethiopia (MNN) — In the mountains, there lived a group of about 6,000 people unreached by the story of Jesus.
Ethiopia (MNN) — In the mountains, there lived a group of about 6,000 people unreached by the story of Jesus.
Brazil (MNN) — The Gospel changes lives throughout Brazil, from tribal jungles to the inner city.
Brazil (MNN) — Operation Choke, a massive anti-crime effort with no end date, targets São Paulo.
Africa (MNN) — World Missionary Press Scripture booklets provide “fuel” for church planters in hostile regions.
Europe (MNN) — As Ukrainian refugees receive aid, the Word of God is being shared.
Ethiopia (MNN) — World Missionary Press fills container with millions of Scripture booklets in two Ethiopian languages.
Poland (MNN) — Most refugees from the Russian invasion of Ukraine crossed the Polish border.
Eswatini (MNN) — Doctors serving the Lord and local communities have a problem in Eswatini.
Haiti (MNN) — Finally, some encouraging news from Haiti!
Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — World Missionary Press partner ministers to survivors of Plaine Savo attack.