East Africa (MNN) — Drought, floods, locusts, and disease plague East Africa; World Concern responds.
East Africa (MNN) — Drought, floods, locusts, and disease plague East Africa; World Concern responds.
Somalia (MNN) — The United Nations voted to limit the sale of bomb-making materials to Somalia.
South Sudan (MNN) — Jesus: the only source of lasting peace for South Sudan.
Ethiopia (MNN) — Over 27,000 people have fled over the border to Sudan.
South Sudan (MNN) — World Concern and bicycle evangelists help unreached communities.
South Sudan (MNN) — Pandemic proves why local partnerships are so important.
International (MNN) — Community transformation requires a long-term investment.
South Sudan (MNN) — Worship in a war zone at Christmas.
South Sudan (MNN) — Hope rises as South Sudan descends into chaos.