Guatemala (MNN) — Class gift goes beyond university borders to install well in needy village
Guatemala (MNN) — Class gift goes beyond university borders to install well in needy village
Ecuador (MNN) — HCJB Global Hands provides water to the Ecuadorian highlands
Tanzania (MNN) — Man climbs Kilimanjaro to bring water to Tanzanians
Kenya (MNN) — Community rejoices over new well and God’s provision
USA (MNN) — Teacher inspires kids to see and meet global needs
Sierra Leone (MNN) — 100+ rehabilitated wells will save lives
Romania (MNN) — Ministry continues with the gift of one child sponsor
Nicaragua (MNN) — Living Water International provides clean water to a dump community
Haiti (MNN) — Flourishing ministry needs room to expand
Liberia (MNN) — Civil war in Liberia has created an urgent need for water; Living Water International responds