Myanmar (MNN) — April was a tough month for believers in Myanmar.
Sudan (MNN) — Famine haunts millions as rebel forces prepare to move on the last capital in Darfur that’s not under their control.
Sudan (MNN) — USCIRF says the impact of Sudan’s civil war on religious communities is a cause for concern.
Iran (MNN) — Transform Iran meets seekers with Gospel hope.
International (MNN) — It’s easy to sit back and passively receive the latest news and form opinions about current events.
Sudan (MNN) — Nearly seven million Sudanese have been uprooted in the country, and two million crossed into neighboring countries.
International (MNN) — One long-term consequence of war isn’t always so quickly seen, but it is devastating: loss of education.
Ukraine (MNN) — Ukraine warns of diminishing supplies as controversy surrounds aid package in Congress.
International (MNN) — For many Christians in the world today, survival sometimes puts ministry on hold.
Ukraine (MNN) — SGA is helping partner churches train 1,000 missionary pastors to fill the gaps.