Middle East (MNN) — Believers mobilize to action as humanitarian crisis deepens in Gaza region
Middle East (MNN) — Believers mobilize to action as humanitarian crisis deepens in Gaza region
International (MNN) — Inflamed tensions in Arab world pave way for overtures to hope and peace
Georgia (MNN) — World Vision is responding to the Russia/Georgia conflict, but some areas inaccessible
Russia (MNN) — Churches proclaim Christ while helping South Ossetian refugees
Georgia (MNN) — Christians are praying that the conflict in Georgia opens doors for outreach
Georgia (MNN) — Russian Ministries poised to help refugees as Georgia/Russia clash
Bosnia (MNN) — Kosovo’s declaration of independence gives Bosnia’s first Year of Prayer movement more to pray about.
USA (MNN) — Ministry says the response to their January devotional shows how uncertainty leads people to Scripture
Liberia (MNN) — Evangelist Sammy Tippit shares his dream of adopting a country in need
Sudan (MNN) — Despite undercurrent of instability, Christian ministry resumes work