Bosnia (MNN) — Kosovo’s declaration of independence gives Bosnia’s first Year of Prayer movement more to pray about.
USA (MNN) — Ministry says the response to their January devotional shows how uncertainty leads people to Scripture
Liberia (MNN) — Evangelist Sammy Tippit shares his dream of adopting a country in need
Sudan (MNN) — Despite undercurrent of instability, Christian ministry resumes work
Sudan (MNN) — Following attack on aid convoy in Darfur, World Vision suspends work
Sudan (MNN) — Christian aid group improves conditions for refugees fleeing Darfur
Sudan (MNN) — Darfur aid in jeopardy, but one ministry remains determined to help.
Sudan (MNN)–Christians hunker down as fighting breaks peace in Sudan’s Darfur region.
Uganda (MNN)–World Bible Translation Center embarks on a transforming project for Uganda.
Uganda (MNN)–Two decades’ war could be nearing an end. Christians already in place ministering to orphans.