N. Korea (MNN) — North Korean church leaders ask for prayer as war talk continues
N. Korea (MNN) — North Korean church leaders ask for prayer as war talk continues
Syria (MNN) — Absence of secret police allows Syrians to hear about Jesus
North Korea (MNN) — ‘Talk is cheap’; North Korea’s call for reconciliation
Syria (MNN) — Temperatures plunge, making a bad refugee crisis worse
Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — Hostilities likely to resume in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Israel (MNN) — Truce desperately brokered to prevent war between Israel and Gaza
Syria (MNN) — UN General Assembly begins with report on appalling trauma to Syria’s children
Sudan (MNN) — Words of Hope is praying that the church will help ease tensions in Sudan
South Sudan (MNN) — Food for the Hungry reports increasing tensions makes their work difficult