Sudan (MNN) — Sudan’s current events make it difficult to believe that evil will not win. Yet, hope remains.
Sudan (MNN) — Sudan’s current events make it difficult to believe that evil will not win. Yet, hope remains.
Eurasia (MNN) — It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by war and rumors of war.
Lebanon (MNN) — Scripture fuels Gospel work in a war zone.
International (MNN) — “God is at work, no matter what the headlines say.”
Lebanon (MNN) — Triumphant Mercy Lebanon prepares disaster response.
Sudan (MNN) — Sudan’s genocide accounts are horrific. Yet hope remains.
International (MNN) — IMM is reaching people in conflict zones with media communicating God’s love.
Lebanon (MNN) — The question is: does Lebanon want to go to war?
Sudan (MNN) — Gospel workers are coming to the rescue.