Middle East (MNN) — Regional war would be “very messy, complex, and complicated.”
Middle East (MNN) — Regional war would be “very messy, complex, and complicated.”
Sudan (MNN) — “Equipping centers” offer biblical trauma healing.
Sudan (MNN) — Ministry while on the run from war shows that these Bible translators are utterly convinced their work matters.
Lebanon (MNN) — The exchange heightens fears of an Israel-Hezbollah war.
Lebanon (MNN) — Triumphant Mercy Lebanon stands ready with help for today and hope for tomorrow as conflict continues.
Sudan (MNN) — Gospel workers adapt as needs rise and solutions fall.
Israel (MNN) — War shakes spiritual foundations on both sides of the fence.
Lebanon (MNN) — Hostilities in southern Lebanon represent the biggest spike in tension since 2006 war.
Lebanon (MNN) — Increasing conflicts in the Middle East are affecting gospel ministry in Lebanon.
Sudan (MNN) — The Lord moves mightily despite Sudan’s constant bloodshed.