India (MNN) — Urgent prayer needed as another Hindu leader is killed in Orissa
India (MNN) — Refugee camps for displaced believers shut down in Orissa
Laos (MNN) — Voice of the Martyrs reports jailed pastors are free, but prayer is still needed
International (MNN) — Secular media covering persecution against Christians
Pakistan (MNN) — Many are uncertain as bomb blasts rock Pakistan, Christians need prayer
USA (MNN) — VOM says President Bush visit to China will do little for religious liberty there
China (MNN) — Voice of the Martyrs says Christian bookstore owner arrested in China, again
USA (MNN) — Voice of the Martyrs’ Tom White says Castro’s resignation will mean little for change in Cuba
USA (MNN) — Voice of the Martyrs and Oklahoma Wesleyan University have launched an on-line program to study persecuted believers
Pakistan (MNN) — Christians will be bold despite opposition in Pakistan