Nigeria (MNN) — What happens after believers are attacked by Boko Haram?

India (MNN) — Pastor jailed for baptizing Muslims; finds new dignity from VOM
Pakistan (MNN) — Prayer needed for disabled girl accused of blasphemy

Saudi Arabia (MNN) — Voice of the Martyrs asks believers to pray for Christian in Saudi Arabia
Syria (MNN) — Despite massacre in Syria, many are poised to hear about Christ

Iran (MNN) — Voice of the Martyrs urges prayer for Iranian pastor jailed for more than 900 days
USA (MNN) — Voice of the Martyrs says there’s a spiritual war between Islam and Christians

Nigeria (MNN) — The Voice of the Martyrs says Boko Haram attacks are getting worse, Christians the targets

Iran (MNN) — Verdict on Pastor Nadarkhani could come as soon as today

Africa (MNN) — Could the Arab Spring turn into an African Summer?