India (MNN) — Muslim onlookers remember a 16th-century mosque that Hindu mobs destroyed in 1992.
India (MNN) — Muslim onlookers remember a 16th-century mosque that Hindu mobs destroyed in 1992.
Algeria (MNN) — Like water erodes stone over time, government pressure wears down the Christian community and avoids international attention.
International (MNN) — There’s still time to get your church involved in prayer for persecuted Christians.
Afghanistan (MNN) — UN warns of potential security vacuum, saying al-Qaeda and Islamic State-K are growing in numbers and capacity.
Sudan (MNN) — The conflict is spiraling into a humanitarian crisis.
Africa (MNN) — VOM USA adds Benin, DRC, Mozambique, Niger to 2023 persecution prayer map.
Thailand (MNN) — The Shenzhen Holy Reformed Church, also dubbed “Mayflower Church,” appeals to the United Nations for help.
Sudan (MNN) — Muslim extremists issue death threats, force believers into hiding.
Nigeria (MNN) — Shooters kidnapped four teachers and two children in a midnight raid.
International (MNN) — On Easter Sunday in 2019, suicide bombers launched attacks on three churches in Sri Lanka.