Syria (MNN) — President’s peaceful messaging conflicts with reports from believers on the ground
Syria (MNN) — President’s peaceful messaging conflicts with reports from believers on the ground
Malaysia (MNN) — Malays must subscribe to Islam under penalty of law.
India (MNN) — Rajasthan could become India’s 12th state with anti-conversion legislation on the books.
Malaysia (MNN) — The case for truth in Raymond Koh’s 2017 disappearance is far from over, despite the Malaysian government’s apparent wishes.
Malaysia (MNN) — Gospel opportunities abound in Malaysia, but reaching certain people groups for Jesus carries a higher risk.
China (MNN) — Pastor John Cao walked out of prison six months ago, but still isn’t free.
Malaysia (MNN) — Government expected to release classified report this week about 2017 abduction of Pastor Raymond Koh.
Pakistan (MNN) — Lawmakers pass resolution condemning vigilante justice after man is burned alive for alleged blasphemy.
Malaysia (MNN) — Judges recently struck down over a dozen Shariah-based state laws, saying they encroached on federal authority.
India (MNN) — Third consecutive win for Hindu nationalists could usher in national anti-conversion law.