China (MNN) — China offers no reprieve for Christians as 2021 draws to a close.
Uganda (MNN) — Is East Africa the next “hotspot” of persecution?
Sudan (MNN) — Security forces killed at least 15 protestors and wounded dozens.
Uganda (MNN) — Terrorism, persecution rising; radicals target church leaders and believers from a Muslim background.
Sri Lanka (MNN) — Believers forced to hold a funeral according to Hindu customs.
Sahel/West Africa (MNN) — UN officials visit the Sahel this weekend to push for stability.
International (MNN) — Individuals cannot do much to reverse Western troop withdrawals. However, you can help persecuted believers in conflict zones.
International (MNN) — Leaders fear increased terrorist activity in India and Africa following the Taliban takeover.
Nigeria (MNN) — Pastors say they’re burying church members on a near-daily basis.
Africa (MNN) — Trademark IS moves, like the crucifixions in Mozambique earlier this year, raise concerns about a second caliphate.