Thailand (MNN) — Genocide and natural disaster strike at Burmese refugees
Thailand (MNN) — Genocide and natural disaster strike at Burmese refugees
Romania (MNN) — Moldova spreads anti-Christian influence into Romania
Cuba (MNN) — Thousands saved in communist country through sponsored pastors’ ministries
Burma (MNN) — High-level defection to U.S. casts light on troubles in Burma
International (MNN) — Ministry has no plans to quit work in Failed States
Burma (MNN) — Global observance to shed light on the plight of the Burmese Christians
Myanmar (MNN) — Aid withheld from Christian earthquake survivors
Burma (MNN) — Quake survivors wait while Burma celebrates holiday
Burma (MNN) — A quake may be the answer to the prayer of Burma’s refugees
Iran (MNN) — Ministry teams up with radio to send Bibles to Iran