Nigeria (MNN) — Sunday is International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.
Morocco (MNN) — Forecasts predict rain and the heightened risk of landslides.
Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — Terror goes by a three-letter name in central Africa: ADF.
Nigeria (MNN) — Like countless Christian girls in Nigeria, Blessing’s life was anything but easy.
Sudan (MNN) — Sudanese Christians from a Muslim background face severe persecution under Islamic rule.
Libya (MNN) — Six believers could soon face the death penalty for sharing their faith.
India (MNN) — Targeted oppression coincides with anti-conversion legislation.
Syria (MNN) — Syrian Christians persevere despite war, persecution, and earthquakes.
Syria (MNN) — United Nations ambassador says Syrian government diverts lifesaving aid.
Algeria (MNN) — Authorities forced more than 20 churches to close in four years.