Nigeria (MNN) — Religious freedom watchdogs urge U.S. lawmakers to take a closer look at Nigeria.
Nigeria (MNN) — Religious freedom watchdogs urge U.S. lawmakers to take a closer look at Nigeria.
Nigeria (MNN) — Muslims opposed to the Gospel now want to know more about Jesus.
International (MNN) — Religious freedom “isn’t something we’re talking about” in the United States.
Nigeria (MNN) — The U.S. Department of State did not designate Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern in 2021.
Sri Lanka (MNN) — Believers forced to hold a funeral according to Hindu customs.
Southeast Asia (MNN) — A recent decree outlined a path for religious minority groups to be recognized by the state.
China (MNN) — New rules require all religious workers to support the Chinese Communist Party.
Saudi Arabia (MNN) — The Lord is working on hearts in Mecca and Medina.
China (MNN) — At least 1 million Uighurs have been taken to about 85 prison camps in Northwest China.
International (MNN) — Religious freedom advocates outline challenges in 26 nations, recommend administrative action.