Azerbaijan (MNN) — USCIRF released a new report on Azerbaijan.
Azerbaijan (MNN) — USCIRF released a new report on Azerbaijan.
USA (MNN) — Protecting religious freedom allows Christians to preach Jesus.
International (MNN) — Blasphemy laws are often used to target minority Christians.
Russia (MNN) — Despite challenges, the Gospel is still going out.
International (MNN) — Questions and concerns follow United States Commission on International Religious Freedom report released earlier this week.
USA (MNN) — Top offenders include Afghanistan, China, India, Iran, and Russia, plus a dozen others.
India (MNN) — Targeted oppression coincides with anti-conversion legislation.
Iraq (MNN) — Amidst persecution, church leaders are reaching other minorities.
USA (MNN) — Shock and disbelief follow United States Countries of Particular Concern announcement.
Nigeria (MNN) — Legal contradictions put Christians at risk.