Central Asia (MNN) — Christians and ministries sense increasing pressure.
Central Asia (MNN) — Christians and ministries sense increasing pressure.
India (MNN) — The U.S. State Department’s annual report recently highlighted India’s religious freedom violations.
Iran (MNN) — Believers from a Muslim background face renewed pressure in Iran.
USA (MNN) — Now, we wait to see how the State Department will proceed. And we pray.
USA (MNN) — Christians can be praying over the new USCIRF report.
USA (MNN) — Nigeria has been off the CPC list since 2021.
Belarus (MNN) — Churches in Belarus are under pressure today, but not for the first time.
Belarus (MNN) — They’ve seen these challenges before.
USA (MNN) — USCIRF has called for a congressional hearing.
Nigeria (MNN) — Unknown Nations is offering biblical support to survivors.