USA (MNN) — In response to World Food Day, Food for the Hungry says Christians have a responsibility to feed those in need
USA (MNN) — Christians from 15 nations gather in the U.S. to develop a ministry funding strategy
USA (MNN) — Seminars gear up to help the local church in the U.S. minister to hurting people
USA (MNN) — With millions of practicing Hindus in the U.S., Christians have an intercultural mission field at its doorstep
USA (MNN) — Two men with Wycliffe Bible Translators will spend 40 days biking across the United States to raise money for Bible translation
USA (MNN) — Sammy Tippit says Christians need to pray for Muslims during Islam’s holy month of Ramadan, which begins tomorrow
USA (MNN) — Bright Hope International announced the kick-off of the Med Pack campaign; your involvement is essential
USA (MNN) — The most-listened-to Presbyterian pastor is now silent. Dr. D. James Kennedy is with the Lord he served.
USA (MNN) — Voice of the Martyrs and Oklahoma Wesleyan University have launched an on-line program to study persecuted believers
USA (MNN) — Mission Possible headquarters sustains damage by flooding in the Midwestern United States