USA (MNN) — Extreme makeover for the missions world
USA (MNN) — Extreme makeover for the missions world
USA (MNN) — ‘Human Wrong’ initiative begins at Urbana
USA (MNN) — Urbana 09 could answer questions in the minds of many students
USA (MNN) — Urbana students challenged to read their Bibles, reach the skeptics
USA (MNN) — Wycliffe Bible Translators heads to Urbana with high hopes
USA (MNN) — College students can change the course of poverty
USA (MNN) — Urbana 09: students, Bibles and the glory of God
USA (MNN) — Looking for a meaningful Christmas gift for your college-age student?
USA (MNN) — Thousands of students become world changers this December
International (MNN) — Justice for human trafficking will come through students, the Gospel