Lebanon (MNN) — Street fighting in Lebanon causes Kids Alive to close a week early
Lebanon (MNN) — Street fighting in Lebanon causes Kids Alive to close a week early
Turkey (MNN) — Future uncertain for believers as violence escalates in Turkey
Bangladesh (MNN) — Peaceful protests spiral into chaotic violence
Burma (MNN) — As unrest rises in central Burma, reform could fall by the wayside
Bangladesh (MNN) — Your prayers needed as teams translate God’s Word in a Muslim democracy
Egypt (MNN) — Sparks fly in Egypt as Islamists search for a Muslim-turned-Christian
Syria (MNN) — While the U.S. hesitates to get involved in Syria, Christians are on the move
Syria (MNN) — Ongoing violence displaces millions in Syria; churches urged to step up
Middle East (MNN) — Unrest in the Muslim world forcing Muslims to rethink their faith, many uncertain