USA (MNN) — Expedited resettlement begins in March; consultant urges believers to reach out.
Haiti (MNN) — A former anti-corruption official actually led the attack on the president’s home.
USA (MNN) — Refugee resettlement provides Gospel opportunities, but is the Church ready?
Ukraine (MNN) — Russian officials have denied any intention to invade Ukraine.
International (MNN) — Rashad Hussain is the first Muslim ever to hold the post.
Iraq (MNN) — Only a few thousand members of the U.S. military remain to support and train Iraqi security forces.
Bangladesh (MNN) — They say the platform allowed hate speech against them to spread in Myanmar.
USA (MNN) — Holiday gatherings lead to family time and potentially-divisive conversations.
Mexico (MNN) — A picture is worth a thousand words: pictures circulated of Haitians being chased by border patrol agents on horseback. The question is, why?
Mexico (MNN) — Mission Cry sends the hope of Christ to Mexican border state.