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Young Christians take the Gospel to Mongolia

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Mongolia (MNN) — Mongolia is growing. Its population is growing. Its economy is growing. It grew 17 percent in 2011, 12 percent in 2012. Freedom over the last 23 years has also allowed Mongolians to begin seeking truth — truth that can only be found in Christ alone. It’s a spiritually nation.

President of Russian Ministries Sergey Rakhuba understands that and so do next generation church leaders in their School Without Walls program. They’re on the ground in

Russian Ministries' Pavel Tokarchuk leads a team to Mongolia.

Russian Ministries’ Pavel Tokarchuk leads a team to Mongolia.

Mongolia. “School Without Walls students from other areas of Russia and even Moldova joined together to go and spend a couple of weeks reaching out to children in Mongolia, in those remote places right across the border from Russian Siberia.”

These young leaders have organized summer camps. “Especially rural areas are very much open to Christianity. We have great success.”

Russian Ministries has seen great success in their next generation church leadership training program called School Without Walls. “School Without Walls is in 65 different locations between 12 countries, including Mongolia. We have over 2,500 students.”

This is more than training. Rakhuba says, “They are expanding the army of lay leaders. They initiate new ministries. They build those ministries. They build bridges to the needy or community at risk on behalf of the church. That’s how churches start growing.”

It’s not just a personal effort, these young people are mobilizers. “They mobilize their churches to support them and take resources from their churches, but also mobilize people to go outside of their walls and go further and share the Gospel with those in great need.”

Pray for the work in Mongolia over the next couple of weeks. Pray that God would open hearts to the truth of God’s Word and that many children would come to Christ.

You can help Russian Ministries train even more young people to do even more work. “It takes 48 dollars a month to fund one young person to go through the training of School Without Walls,” says Rakhuba.

If you are a new supporter of Russian Ministries, your donation is being matched dollar-for-dollar. Give as generously as possible. Click here to support School Without Walls.