Ukraine (MNN) — God’s Word distributed to Ukrainian protestors; many confess Christ.
Ukraine (MNN) — God’s Word distributed to Ukrainian protestors; many confess Christ.
Ukraine (MNN) — Russian Ministries pleads for funding for New Testaments.
Ukraine (MNN) — EFCA ReachGlobal encourages prayer for spiritual openness in Ukraine.
Ukraine (MNN) — Unrest in Ukraine and an uncertain future prompts call for prayer.
USA (MNN) — Andrew Semenchuk needs prayer as he suffers a brain bleed.
Ukraine (MNN) — Christians request Gospels of John for desperate Ukrainian protestors.
Ukraine (MNN) — Protests in #Ukraine could create problems for Christmas ministry.
Ukraine (MNN) — Protests in #Ukraine could create problems for Christmas ministry.
Ukraine (MNN) — Ukrainians take to the street in “Orange Revolution” type fashion.