Türkiye (MNN) — Mountains of rubble and shipping container cities are the new norms in Türkiye.
Turkiye (MNN) — Unto supporting Turkish Christians as Jesus’ hands and feet.
Turkiye (MNN) — FMI-supported church planters distribute critical quake relief.
Türkiye (MNN) — Transform Iran helps earthquake survivors through its network of Iranian Christian refugees in Türkiye.
Middle East (MNN) — Less than two percent of Deaf people in the Middle East know Jesus.
Turkiye (MNN) — FMI is helping local Christians support quake-affected kids and families.
Türkiye/Syria (MNN) — Mainstream news may not cover earthquake aftermath anymore, but it’s a priority for local Christians.
Turkiye/Syria (MNN) — CEF is ministering to kids with backpacks and booklets.
Türkiye (MNN) — Türkiye still plans to hold elections in May despite last month’s devastating earthquakes.
Syria (MNN) — Syrians displaced by the February 6 earthquakes face blow after blow.