Int’l (MNN) — Ministry uses Oral Bible Storying for ‘homegrown evangelism’

Ethiopia (MNN) — Translated N.T. finally here for village believers waiting since 2005
Papua New Guinea (WAS/MNN) — Matching donor will double funds given for islanders’ last 15 New Testament translations
China (MNN) — A new translation of Scripture will help Chinese better understand God’s Word

Uganda (MNN) — Uganda’s food shortages don’t stop translation teams
USA (MNN) — Wycliffe Bible Translators asks that their translation policies be reviewed
Papua New Guinea (MNN) — Wycliffe Associates is working to complete national Bible translation training center in remote Papua New Guinea

South Sudan (MNN) — Wycliffe Associates is carefully moving forward to expand Bible translation facilities

Papua New Guinea (MNN) — New Tribes workers see the Siar turn to Christ as they hear the Gospel for the first time

International (MNN) — JESUS film translations save one soul per $3; only 865 languages to go