Qatar (MNN) — Qatari citizens are expected to live as Sunni Muslims.
Ethiopia (MNN) — Negotiations took place in South Africa.
International (MNN) — You can pray for millions who share our faith but not our freedom on Sunday.
Nigeria (MNN) — Legal contradictions put Christians at risk.
Saudi Arabia (MNN) — A terrorism court said she violated public order.
Uganda (MNN) — In late July, Muslim extremists came to the home of a Christian in Uganda and killed him.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Wednesday’s earthquake was the deadliest in Afghanistan since 2002.
Iran (MNN) — Two women, both leaders in small house churches, will each serve six years.
Ukraine (MNN) — Despite heavy fighting, he stayed behind to take care of those who cannot flee.
Afghanistan (MNN) — The Taliban previously got rid of the electoral commission and the ministry of women’s affairs.