Pakistan (MNN) — Judge grants bail to at least 52 Muslims accused of killing an elderly Christian man over a false blasphemy accusation.
Pakistan (MNN) — Judge grants bail to at least 52 Muslims accused of killing an elderly Christian man over a false blasphemy accusation.
USA (MNN) — Christians can be praying over the new USCIRF report.
Niger (MNN) — Persecuted Niger believers in need of prayer.
Mozambique (MNN) — As Islamic terrorists continue to rampage in northern Mozambique, many Christians face death.
Malaysia (MNN) — Judges recently struck down over a dozen Shariah-based state laws, saying they encroached on federal authority.
Mozambique (MNN) — Islamic State associates are once again ravaging northern Mozambique.
India (MNN) — The Voice of the Martyrs USA reclassifies India amid escalating religious tensions.
India (MNN) — Third consecutive win for Hindu nationalists could usher in national anti-conversion law.
India (MNN) — Muslim onlookers remember a 16th-century mosque that Hindu mobs destroyed in 1992.
Indonesia (MNN) — Three Christian holidays will get new names in 2024.