Mauritania (MNN) — “It’s basically a call to warfare against people that are propagating and sharing the Gospel in Mauritania.”
Mauritania (MNN) — “It’s basically a call to warfare against people that are propagating and sharing the Gospel in Mauritania.”
Chad (MNN) — He was visiting the frontlines of fighting against rebel forces.
Kenya (MNN) — Kenya, near the border of Somalia, has become an increasingly dangerous place for Christians.
Mozambique (MNN) — Despite losses in other areas, the Islamic State has taken a firm grip on territory in Mozambique.
Kenya (MNN) — In the early hours of January 13th, terrorists attacked a small Kenyan village.
USA (MNN) — These numbers include neo-Nazis, ultra-nationalists, and white supremacist groups.
Pakistan (MNN) — Authorities thwarted an attempted Christmas Day terrorist attack on a church in Peshawar.
International (MNN) — This according to the 2020 Global Terrorism Index.
Somalia (MNN) — The United Nations voted to limit the sale of bomb-making materials to Somalia.
Mozambique (MNN) — Earlier this month, militants murdered 50 people on a soccer field, trying to strike terror throughout the country.