Middle East (MNN) — A simple bag could change dozens of lives affected by terror attacks
Middle East (MNN) — A simple bag could change dozens of lives affected by terror attacks
Iraq (MNN) — Iraqi Christians still suffering five years after start of war
Iraq (MNN) — Coordinated attacks target churches on the eve of Epiphany in Iraq
Indonesia (MNN) — Five Indonesian Muslims face terrorism charges for killing Christians
Russia (MNN) — Video that puts some blame on Russian security forces makes many relive the school terror attack
Middle East (MNN) — Christians find themselves in the crosshairs of Iraq’s violence.
Kenya (MNN) — Ministry moves forward despite explosion in Nairobi business district this week.
India (MNN) — Proposed legislation in India could close the door on mission groups.
Greece (MNN)–Bomb blast in Athens won’t stop missionary work.