Lebanon (MNN) — Syrian refugees say militants come in disguise, offering food, housing, protection, and more.
Lebanon (MNN) — Refugees in the Beqaa Valley are emerging from the worst snow storm in decades.
Middle East (CAM) — A Muslim from Syria fears the dream about her feet bleeding foretold illness or some other misfortune.
Lebanon (MNN) — Syrian refugee children lose valuable years of education as their families flee war-torn areas.
Syria (MNN) — Two couples trained by Heart for Lebanon recently returned to their home village in Syria to start churches.
Lebanon (MNN) — Heart for Lebanon’s Tom Atema says there’s at least one silver lining to Lebanon’s multiple crises.
Middle East (CAM) — Help show hurting people the love of Christ through Christian Aid Mission.
Syria (MNN) — Two Syrian refugee families recently came to Christ, but they didn’t leave their conflict at the cross.
Lebanon (MNN) — After years of war with Syria, now many of the Syrian “enemy” are living as refugees in the country they occupied.
Lebanon (MNN) — Lebanon houses the most Syrian refugees in the world, and 90-percent of them live in extreme poverty.