Syria (MNN) — Extreme poverty and persecution make it difficult for Christians to stay in Syria.
Syria (MNN) — Extreme poverty and persecution make it difficult for Christians to stay in Syria.
Syria (MNN) — As usual, Syria and its people are stuck in the middle of a proxy war between Iran and Israel.
Syria (MNN) — Fighting slows in Syria as President Bashir al-Assad tries to curry favor abroad.
Syria (MNN) — Thousands of earthquake survivors have a roof over their heads, but their hearts remain unsettled.
Syria (MNN) — Syria’s president may be regaining political clout in the Arab world, but it’s not changing much for millions in need today.
Syria (MNN) — United Nations ambassador says Syrian government diverts lifesaving aid.
Syria (MNN) — Millions survived recent earthquakes but now fight for their lives in the bitter winter cold.
Syria (MNN) — According to a non-governmental group, over 40,000 Syrians have registered to travel to Ukraine and fight for Russia.