Syria (MNN) — Fighting slows in Syria as President Bashir al-Assad tries to curry favor abroad.
Syria (MNN) — Thousands of earthquake survivors have a roof over their heads, but their hearts remain unsettled.
Middle East (MNN) — Muslims are not only turning away from Islam. Many are turning to Jesus.
Syria (MNN) — Syria’s president may be regaining political clout in the Arab world, but it’s not changing much for millions in need today.
Syria (MNN) — On Friday, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad made his first appearance at the Arab League Summit in 12 years.
Lebanon (MNN) — Survival is increasingly difficult in Lebanon, especially for Syrian refugees.
Syria (MNN) — Hope is in short supply for Syrians. Could things be changing?
Türkiye (MNN) — Mountains of rubble and shipping container cities are the new norms in Türkiye.
Iran/Syria (MNN) — Transformation in the Middle East won’t happen through political powers alone.
Syria (MNN) — What is the antidote to compassion fatigue when talking about Syria?