Lebanon (MNN) — After years of war with Syria, now many of the Syrian “enemy” are living as refugees in the country they occupied.
Pakistan (MNN) — It details ISIS operations in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Syria.
Syria (MNN) — Syria may look like a lost cause, but keep praying. God isn’t finished yet.
International (MNN) — Religious freedom advocates outline challenges in 26 nations, recommend administrative action.
Syria (MNN) — Global donors pledged less than half of the United Nations’ largest Syria appeal.
Syria (MNN) — After a decade of war and trauma, hope remains.
Syria (MNN) — As different factions wage war over Syrian territory, a spiritual battle continues for Syrian hearts.
Syria (MNN) — Syrian Christians turn to PTEE for theological training.
Lebanon (MNN) — As Lebanon crumbles, Syrian refugees weigh their options.
Syria (MNN) — Syria’s conflict will pass the 10-year mark next month with no end in sight.