India (MNN) — A new IDOP devotional prompts prayer for persecuted Indian believers.
India (MNN) — A new IDOP devotional prompts prayer for persecuted Indian believers.
International (MNN) — Sunday, November 7, marks the International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians.
Syria (MNN) — The death of the leader of ISIS isn’t calming Christian persecution
China (MNN) — Christian children’s programs draw China’s ire
Sri Lanka (MNN) — Two months after bombings, Sri Lankan pastor shares his story
International (MNN) — IDU is held on Pentecost Sunday– just a few days away!
International (MNN) — Compassion Sunday is April 29
USA (MNN) — Sanctity of Life Sunday educates, opens doors to sharing Christ’s love
USA (BLG) — New Bible League radio ministry poised to set a standard in praise and worship movement.