USA (MNN) — 60 teens to visit poorest, most dangerous areas of the U.S. this summer to save a lost people
North America (MNN) — Dozens of Native youth come to Christ at first Summer of Hope stop
Russia (MNN) — A self-sustaining garden of hope grows in the former Soviet Union
North America (MNN) — Demographic with highest alcohol and drug abuse, suicide levels, object of outreach
Former Soviet Union (MNN) — Could be a ‘Summer of Hope’ for homeless, war-tattered, and orphaned kids
USA (MNN) — On Eagles’ Wings ends up in violent area, watches God move
USA (MNN) — Native youth warriors offer hope
USA (MNN) — After a successful summer, Ron Hutchcraft Ministries spreads their wings for 2010
Peru (MNN) — North American Native youth train South American indigenous youth to do outreach
North America (MNN) — After 130 years, reservation sees unprecedented response to Gospel