USA (MNN) — 60 teens to visit poorest, most dangerous areas of the U.S. this summer to save a lost people
USA (MNN) — 60 teens to visit poorest, most dangerous areas of the U.S. this summer to save a lost people
Japan (MNN) — The effects of Japan tsunami spread throughout hearts, Japan, now North America
Japan (MNN) — Suicide becoming a problem six months post-tsunami
Russia (MNN) — Team brings the Gospel to save orphans from a path to drugs and prostitution
Former Soviet Union (MNN) — Pressures stack against youth of former Soviet Union
USA (MNN) — TheDougAndJonshow.com offer answers, hope, and some laughs
USA (MNN) — A ministry responds to a silent epidemic plaguing American teens
Afghanistan (MNN) — CURE Hospital staff concerned as suicide bombers strike Kabul
Japan (MNN) — Suicide rate increases in Japan; Asian Access responds with hope of Christ
India (MNN) — Serve India Ministries gives hope to farmers and their families