Malaysia (MNN) — Judges recently struck down over a dozen Shariah-based state laws, saying they encroached on federal authority.
Malaysia (MNN) — Judges recently struck down over a dozen Shariah-based state laws, saying they encroached on federal authority.
Bangladesh (MNN) — The good news doesn’t end with Pastor Tomal’s release.
Myanmar (MNN) — Wars in Ukraine and Gaza hold the world’s attention, leaving Myanmar’s junta free to do as it pleases.
Myanmar (MNN) — Junta attacks civilians as it loses grip on power.
Myanmar (MNN) — Myanmar’s junta government faces biggest challenge since 2021 coup.
Southeast Asia (MNN) — FARMS International helps local churches by empowering Christian entrepreneurs.
Southeast Asia (MNN) — Working alongside the local church, FARMS International equips believers to do more in the name of Jesus.
Vietnam (MNN) — Congregations that previously kept to themselves now put the love of Christ on full display.
Vietnam (MNN) — “It is an amazing season in Vietnam right now; the spiritual hunger is very high post-pandemic.”
Myanmar (MNN) — Up to 90 percent of the infrastructure in Rakhine state is gone.