Pakistan (MNN) — Actions like these can easily turn into Gospel opportunities.
India (MNN) — The Voice of the Martyrs USA reclassifies India amid escalating religious tensions.
International (MNN) — Deaf missionaries follow the disciples who make disciples model in 2 Timothy 2:2.
South Asia (MNN) — The Great Commission calls every believer to sacrifice.
Pakistan (MNN) — Authorities tighten security following TJP assault.
India (MNN) — State elections hold the potential for change.
Pakistan (MNN) — Army struggles to secure country as terrorist groups seek to fill leadership vacuum.
Nepal (MNN) — Keys for Kids wants to send another 100 Storytellers to Nepal.
Nepal (MNN) — Seven churches have been attacked in the last two weeks.
International (OM) — Did you know that more than three billion people worldwide don’t know God?