Somalia (MNN) — Drought and food insecurities threaten millions in the Horn of Africa
Somalia (MNN) — Drought and food insecurities threaten millions in the Horn of Africa
Kenya (MNN) — 700,000 flee Africa’s drought, millions at risk
Mozambique (MNN) — Situation critical as overflowing refugee camps need more aid
Somalia (MNN) — Kenyans and Somalis work to breach line of persecution for the sake of the Gospel
Kenya (MNN) — Food for the Hungry says drought could affect 10 million
Somalia (MNN) — Murder of Christian convert sends a message, says VOM Canada
Somalia (MNN) — Somalia pursues Christians into Kenya
Somalia (MNN) — Government upheaval creates vacuum; insurgents train young ones as Islamist soldiers
Ethiopia (MNN) — Somali militants are no longer contained within country borders
International (MNN) — Muslim extremists responsible for suicide bombings on Somali hotel