East Africa (MNN) — Drought, floods, locusts, and disease plague East Africa; World Concern responds.
East Africa (MNN) — Drought, floods, locusts, and disease plague East Africa; World Concern responds.
Somalia (MNN) — The United Nations voted to limit the sale of bomb-making materials to Somalia.
Kenya (MNN) — Ministry ventures into northern Kenya can be dangerous — but so needed
Kenya (MNN) — Ministry workers with FMI meeting both spiritual and tangible needs
Kenya (MNN) — Radical Islamic threats are draining the brain (and the Christianity) from the northern part of Kenya bordering Somalia
Kenya (MNN) — Not for the faint of heart, a church planting strategy launching in Kenya.
Ethiopia (MNN) — VOM Canada is supporting Ethiopian believers amidst persecution
Kenya (MNN) — Unreached people groups could help the spread of Christianity
Somalia (MNN) — Militants target minorities in failed state
Kenya (MNN) — Despite attack, Crossroads team not dissuaded from ministry