East Africa (MNN) — It’s the region’s worst drought in 40 years.
East Africa (MNN) — It’s the region’s worst drought in 40 years.
East Africa (MNN) — Christianity is growing in East Africa – even secretly in places like Somalia and Sudan.
Somalia (MNN) — In just two months at the end of 2021, over 700,000 camels, sheep, goats, and cattle died.
Kenya (MNN) — The attack took place not far from Somalia.
International (MNN) — Increasing people movement creates new Gospel opportunities.
Somalia (MNN) — Admitting to follow Jesus as Messiah puts Somali Christians in great danger.
International (MNN) — Leaders fear increased terrorist activity in India and Africa following the Taliban takeover.
Africa (MNN) — Trademark IS moves, like the crucifixions in Mozambique earlier this year, raise concerns about a second caliphate.
Kenya (MNN) — Kenya, near the border of Somalia, has become an increasingly dangerous place for Christians.
Kenya (MNN) — In the early hours of January 13th, terrorists attacked a small Kenyan village.