Kazakhstan (MNN) — Russian-backed security forces arrived in Kazakhstan Thursday to quell massive riots.
Kazakhstan (MNN) — Russian-backed security forces arrived in Kazakhstan Thursday to quell massive riots.
Russia (MNN) — In the early days of communist rule, the government exiled many Christians to Omsk.
Ukraine (MNN) — Hospitals in the area are running out of oxygen and medicine.
Russia (MNN) — Last week, the country hit nearly 1,000 deaths per day.
Ukraine (MNN) — Despite many attempts for peace, both sides continue shelling military and even civilian targets.
Former Soviet Union (MNN) — Local churches continue to support people in need during the pandemic.
Kazakhstan (MNN) — Two provinces in Kazakhstan have lost over 2,000 domestic animals amid water shortages.
Russia (MNN) — Wildfires continue to rage across Far East Russia, especially Yakutia.
Kyrgyzstan (MNN) — The practice was only officially outlawed in 1994.