International (MNN) — Millions of Deaf people worldwide lack God’s Word in their heart sign language.
International (MNN) — Millions of Deaf people worldwide lack God’s Word in their heart sign language.
International (MNN) — New DOOR International development eases translation process.
International (MNN) — DOOR International begins new Scripture distribution department.
Middle East (MNN) — Changes to an existing sign language Bible translation can help more Deaf people know God.
International (MNN) — Pray for the pandemic to end so survey work can resume and new translations can begin.
El Salvador (MNN) — Communication barriers block Gospel access for the Deaf.
Nigeria (MNN) — Deaf communities are often the last to know about pending attacks.
International (MNN) — American Sign Language translations benefit Deaf in other countries.
USA (MNN) — DOOR, Deaf Harbor teams complete 119-story Bible translation in American Sign Language.
International (MNN) — Deaf Bible Society marks half-decade of ministry.