Syria (MNN) — Complexities in Syria have reached a new pitch after a massacre last week.
Syria (MNN) — Complexities in Syria have reached a new pitch after a massacre last week.
Pakistan (MNN) — “Please don’t pray for us. Pray with us,” one partner said to Nehemiah with FMI.
Iran (MNN) — Transform Iran meets seekers with Gospel hope.
Pakistan (MNN) — Iran’s January 18 strikes have altered the long-term security outlook for Pakistan.
Pakistan (MNN) — Tensions reflect the Shia-Sunni divide.
Lebanon (MNN) — Will there be all-out war on Israel’s northern border?
Iran (MNN) — Is this strengthening diplomatic tie a good thing?
International (MNN) — China and Russia discuss a “new world order” after deepening ties this week.
Iraq (MNN) — Amidst persecution, church leaders are reaching other minorities.
Iran (MNN) — Iranians everywhere are looking for answers.