Uzbekistan (MNN) — Answered prayer in Uzbekistan takes the form of a pastor’s release
Uzbekistan (MNN) — Pastor jailed; children suffer ripple effect
Uzbekistan (MNN) — Uzbek government goes after all religious groups to justify attacks on Islamic radicals
Europe (MNN) — Orphan graduates reach younger orphans with the Gospel
Russia (MNN) — Training in Biblical worldview is the next step in Russia, says SGA
Kazakhstan (MNN) — Kazakh president refers controversial religion law to Constitutional Council
USA (MNN) — With 75 years of service, SGA plans for even more outreach
Azerbaijan (MNN) — Slavic Gospel Association reports Pastor Hamid Shabanov is free
Russia (MNN) — Churches proclaim Christ while helping South Ossetian refugees
Georgia (MNN) — Christians are praying that the conflict in Georgia opens doors for outreach