USA (MNN) — Buckner agrees to bring Christ to American minors caught in the sex trade
USA (MNN) — Buckner agrees to bring Christ to American minors caught in the sex trade
USA (MNN) — Human Trafficking Awareness Month can’t end with January, says York Moore
USA (MNN) — Keeping your children from the U.S. sex trade
India (MNN) — In one year, 2,500 West Bengali girls coerced into sexual slavery
USA (MNN) — Believers must get involved for sex trade to cease
USA (MNN) — International Justice Mission president reveals the truth about the criminal masterminds of the U.S. sex trade
USA (MNN) — Young victims of trafficking coerced and brainwashed to remain enslaved
USA (MNN) — Tolerance of human trafficking on the rise, number of victims also increasing
Africa (MNN) — ECM implements new methods to fight human trafficking
Cambodia (MNN) — Ministry works to raise quite a different harvest in the ‘green harvest’ zones of Cambodia and Thailand