Egypt (MNN) — Gospel workers who cannot attend seminary in Cairo study with Program for Theological Education by Extension.
Egypt (MNN) — Gospel workers who cannot attend seminary in Cairo study with Program for Theological Education by Extension.
India (MNN) — This region has often been known for Hindu extremism.
India (MNN) — The southern state of Kerala has announced new lockdowns to get ahead of infections.
China (MNN) — As China reopens, Bible schools struggle to find their footing
Russia (MNN) — SGA is supporting church communities in Eastern Europe with Biblical training and resources.
Middle East (MNN) — Arab Baptist Theological Seminary holds conference on Middle East concerns
Iraq (MNN) — PTEE classes on hold for now; hope to restart in March
Lebanon (MNN) — Every follower of Christ should study historical theology
Asia (MNN) — Training for ‘such a time as this’ bearing fruit.
China (MNN) — China Partner’s contacts prepare leaders for the future Chinese Church