Mexico (MNN) — Ministry partner shares loss over deadly landslide in Oaxaca State, Mexico
India (MNN) — Translation center is major step for evangelism, transformation
Ethiopia (MNN) — Bible translation project in rural Ethiopia opens door for change
Kenya (MNN) — Scripture for the Deaf first in Kenya, maybe the world
Haiti (MNN) — Haiti’s fall exacts a high price for a Scripture project
USA (MNN) — Wycliffe Bible Translators may use avatars to help them translate Scripture for the deaf
USA (MNN) — Urbana students challenged to read their Bibles, reach the skeptics
Tanzania (MNN) — The Seed Company has approved a translation project for Tanzania people group
USA (MNN) — As population grows, access to Scripture diminishes
Peru (MNN) — Bible translation team anxious to finish Old Testament and launch new ministry