Haiti (MNN) — OM helps starving orphans, attempts to save thousands of trapped school children
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Haiti (MNN) — OM helps starving orphans, attempts to save thousands of trapped school children
India (MNN) — Christmas passes peacefully–new beginnings ahead for Christian school
Honduras (MNN) — Honduran leaders at table for talks
Kenya (MNN) — Food program to be terminated, ministry steps in
Nicaragua (MNN) — One school Gospel presentation shows fruit 7 years later
USA (MNN) — Buckner International turns a storage room into a community center
Peru (MNN) — Missionaries starting program to get street kids in school
Bolivia (MNN) — Political unrest and difficult economic conditions lead to violence in Santa Cruz
India (MNN) — A Christian school ministry launches a quest for one million hands
Honduras (MNN) — Minimum wage increase in Honduras wreaks havoc